Monday, 16 March 2009

Spring in my step, bounce in my hair

I'm not one for pampering or fashion or any such nonsense. Very sensible in my shoes and my baggy trousers etc.
Unfortunately this has contributed to my feeling rather down of late.
So to cheer myself up, I got up bright and early on saturday and tottered off to Mac's the hairdresser on the Slade. It used to be a barber but it so much more now. As the lady hairdresser got on with my new haircut that we discussed before hand, I was struck by what a little corner of community it is. Girls were chatting to their clients, dads were coming in with kids in tow to have both sets of head cut.

I left a mere 48 mins later with a shorter length of hair and a huge grin on my face.

Today the grin got wider as it's a beautiful spring day. The young tod and I went to Charlton to get her some new shoes. Had a nice walk around the shops and returned home. Traffic was a plenty on Nightingale but what the hey.

I'm bouncy.

A small post glow all those miserable people that can't be bothered to smile, get over it. I am so fed up with mums round here who refuse to cheer up. No wonder the kids grow up with a scowl permanently glued to their faces...poor sods probably don't even have strong enough facial muscles for creating a smile.

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