Sunday, 26 February 2012

Redcoats in Almondell

We had one of those "so glad we moved out of London" moments today as we walked around Almondell and Calderwood country park. It's a very lovely place. Despite the cold rather grey day we came across a fair few other people walking around with families, or their dogs or just taking a stroll. Funnily, nearly every family we met had a child with a red coat on. Easy to find in the woods in case one of them wanders off I guess.

There are two water streams, Murieston water and Linhouse water, that run through the park that join to form Calder water. We only walked around the northern part of the park but in that time enjoying the views of the viaduct, aquaduct and Naysmith bridge. We walked across the aquaduct below which had water running directly under the boards, as well as being suspended over the Calder. 


Strangely we didn't spot any squirrels but were happy to see some robins right on the path. And though we saw hundreds of snowdrops and the beginnings of daffodils, I cannot wait until spring when the trees that survived the recent storms' damage will be in bloom. I also kept getting the odd whiff of garlic so wonder if there is any wild garlic around...not that I'd know what it looks like even if it smacked me in the face. Finally,  early springlike treat was the view of yellow flowers near the car park entrance - does anyone know what they are?


Lucia said...

They remind me of celandine flowers but think the leaves are not rounded enough so not sure...

Wild garlic flowers have delicate white petals and stink!

Lovely to hear of your days out in nature.


Plummy Mummy said...

Thanks Lucia. Will look up the flowers before I go back :)