I think the whole Bookstart initiative is brilliant as it manages to introduces books to toddlers in a fun way.
Today we went along to the Bookstart session at the National Maritime Museum. Greenwich was completely empty so there was none of the aggro of white van man trying to run us down or tourists standing like lemons (lemmings?) at inconvenient spots.
The session had a seaside theme. With the heavy rain, tot was more dressed as a Perfect Storm fisherman than a beach babe. The event included craft tables to make pictures of boats, ice creams and lollipops (with sharp scissors, tut tut), books strewn about a make believe sea, a stall selling seaside related stuff and a stall run by Lewisham and Greenwich librarians. I did give the latter a hard time about the lack of toddler things to do in Plumstead in the afternoons and suggested it would be jolly nice if they thought of opening some sessions in the children centres for us. I totally ignore the Slade Tuesday afternoons ;)
The librarian leading the singing was trying very hard, had lots of energy and did manage to get some parents to join in but lost out in terms of popularity, esp with our tot, when there was a special appearance from the giant blue Bookstart bear. I think tot wanted to bring the bear home and I felt very sorry for him as he was mobbed by the tiny tots.
The only down side were the photographers who were really intent on herding the tots into a good photo and that was a bit annoying when all the little ones wanted to do was be with the bear.
The museum runs craft sessions every Tuesday during term time if you are interested. They are free and I think it's marvellous to go along to such a wonderful museum. If it's not your thing, you could consider plonking your tot down and going to buy a nice pastry from Pauls :)
P.s. took more pictures but not sure what the etiquette is for putting up photos of children without parental permissions. So selected photos where kids' faces are not that clear. There were lots of kids I promise.
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